Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The City Baker's Guide To Country Living

How's that for a title!? When it popped up on my Pinterest, I added it to my hold list at the library. I didn't need to know a single thing about it. The cover made me long to curl up with a Hallmark movie and my favorite blanket. (Don't judge me! It's that time of year; and with the pandemic, I just long to start the Christmas cheesiness that much earlier. I haven't/ But... probably shortly after Halloween!)

ANYWAYS! The cover that came in on my copy was nothing like the one I had viewed on Pinterest; but the story didn't disappoint in all it's cozy goodness. It did take me a little bit to get really into this one. (Maybe because I hadn't completely shaken off my thriller haze from The Woman In The Window?) Once I did? I gobbled it up in a couple of days.

The premise? A baker in a prestigious Boston Inn is advised to 'take a break' after she accidentally lights the establishment on fire and hightails it to small town Vermont to escape to her best friend's home while she figures out her next steps... which all end up leading her into the heart of this quaint little town. Full of laughs, heartache, and family (not to mention some romance), this book was as delicious as a book about a baker could be.

This book made me want to be in small town Vermont. Especially as I look out my window and see all these leaves changing. I wonder what it would be like to experience the change of seasons there, to experience a holiday season there. This book felt like a hug. Seriously. If you like warm and cozy, or if you're itching for that Hallmark movie marathon? Give this one a try!