Monday, March 28, 2022

Talk Bookish To Me

 Alright. The last read was a serious one. This one was all fun. Talk Bookish To Me is a cute novel that I flew through relatively quickly. Kara is a novelist struggling to write her next book, all while helping her best friend get everything set to walk down the aisle, and prepare for a six month long trip to Italy that she has been planning for ages. Oh.. and did I mention that at a pre wedding event, her college ex shows up? And that he's part of the wedding party?? Even better... that he somehow fuels her writing.. even as she claims to hate him? (We all know how these romcoms go.. she doesn't actually hate him.)

After her friend, and her editor comment on how Ryan is inspiring these pages, she is encouraged to spend as much time with him as possible. As so happens in these novels; Ryan and Kara discuss their past heart break, perceptions, and complications. Oh, and throw in a major obstacle to their love. Pretty formulaic. But, still a good read. The characters were relatable and (in some cases) loveable (in particular the handsome stranger Kara befriends in Italy). 

Kara reminds me a lot of myself, honestly. She can go on and on about books (guilty!), has a comfy chair for reading (check!), prefers to just be comfortable all the time (double check), holds onto things emotionally - guilt included, loves deeply, and sometimes pulls away when she should be expressing herself. She is completely relatable.. at least to me lol. While I enjoyed this book (and think it would probably make an adorable movie), I would only give it about 3.5 stars. I had hoped for more (after hearing glowing reviews!), but would still recommend it for fans of the genre. (MB - there is even a conversation in this one about tropes that made me think of you!) I will be looking forward to additional works from this author.

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