Monday, February 3, 2020

Midnight At The Bright Ideas Bookstore

It feels as though I just started reading this book and I was through it. I devoured it hungrily, waiting for the mysteries (yes, plural) to be solved. Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore is easily my favourite book of the year so far. I must admit, I'm drawn to books with titles that include bookstore, library, or bookshop. I don't know why, exactly. I guess the idea of the characters being surrounded by books appeals somehow. These books also tend to be a little off the beaten track. I've read a few, and they are always a lot different than nearly anything else I have ever read.

Example? Last year, I read a book called The Bookshop of Yesterdays, and recommended it to my mother (also an avid reader) saying "it's just different". She gave me a funny look, but took the offered volume. When she returned it? She said the exact same thing. (It was a good book, and yet another debut novel.) Another I had read some time ago that was also very unique was Mr Penumbra's 24 Hour Bookstore. I'm telling you.. there is just something about those books!

Anyway!! Midnight At The Bright Ideas Bookstore is chock full of interesting characters, plenty of intrigue, and a couple of plot twists that may throw some readers for a really big loop. (One of these certainly surprised me.) Good for book lovers and mystery fans alike, this charmingly layered debut is what I would consider a must read.

I think a lot of what I loved about this book was how much so many of the characters are massive bibliophiles. I think that alone would make this book compelling for any book lover.

"More books?" he said, picking up Joey's dusty Victorian story primer and turning it over in his hands.
"Can't ever have too many," she said lightly.
"Seriously. I like your whole book thing. Just having them around makes me feel smarter."
"Now, if we could just get you to read them."
"No need. It's like free IQ points in every room. On every conceivable surface."
"Glad to help."
"Some would call you a hoarder," he said. "But not me. I call you a collector."
"That's the spirit," she said.

I read that passage a few times, letting it fully resonate. Because it partially reminds me of my relationship with R. I am the reader, I have books everywhere. But, he keeps fueling my addiction.

I don't want to discuss plot specifics on this one too deeply. Just trust me when I say to pick up a copy. If you aren't entertained? I would be extremely surprised.

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