My daughter and I took a trip to our neighbourhood library yesterday morning. Something I haven't done for longer than I care to admit. I have always, always loved the library. At times it has felt nearly like a sanctuary; shielding me from every day life. I have spent many afternoons browsing the stacks, or just exploring a new branch. I am one of those people. If I were in New York? I would be begging my husband (who I know would comply) to make one of our destinations their gorgeous library. (I mean, if it was good enough for Carrie Bradshaw to plan a wedding there, it's certainly got to be any book lover's dream!)
I am also that person who loves the creaky old bookstores, and the musty smell of aging books. I am one of those people that will simply breathe in those pages and announce; "that's a good one". (And once F is in school this fall, look out for a post from me regarding my favorite bookstores in Toronto!! I would totally do it now, but.. the idea of taking a three and a half year old on the GO train, subway, and then walking downtown Toronto... is just not appealing. I long to just unwind in one of these stores [one in particular] and not feel rushed. Not possible with a three year old. Or at least not my three year old.)
So, we ventured to the library yesterday. Something I strongly encourage in my children (which I'm sure comes as no surprise), and something Miss F requested once we were done at the grocery store. Since I was already thinking that would be our next stop? I was more than happy to comply.
I must admit, library visits have changed for me since having small children. Gone are those relaxing times, and enjoying the solitude!! I feel as though I am constantly needing to shush them. To me, a library is almost like church. I was always taught to be quiet once you entered through those hallowed doors. Libraries have also changed. They have toys and games for children now.. which I love as a parent; and simultaneously despise as someone who always found libraries tranquil.
(It may surprise some of you to know that ages and ages ago I was actually considering planning a wedding at my favorite library branch in Kingston! THAT is how much I love libraries; and books. I should also disclose [since I have already mentioned Carrie] that this was prior to having seen the first SATC movie. Indeed, before it was even released.)

And the best part? Everything they were selling off was only .10 cents!! Yep. You don't need to rub your eyes to clear them. I paid .50 cents for five books. Even if they are awful (which I highly, highly doubt), I will have happily paid the price. Don't underestimate your public library.
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