Monday, March 23, 2020

All The Missing Girls

Alright. I'm a bit late (okay, a lot) with this blog post. Amid all the craziness with COVID-19, it kind of got put on the back burner. I'm sure all of you can relate, as I have been spending more time watching the news than reading of late. I hope you all all staying safe during this time, enjoying time with your families, and staying positive. We will get through this, and hopefully at the end? The world is a bit of a better place for the changes that have occurred since this terrible virus began its spread.

Okay!! All The Missing Girls. A book I finished a week ago, and have not yet discussed. A thriller written in a completely different style than I am (personally) accustomed to. The book begins in present day, with the protagonist (Nic) receiving a call from her brother (Daniel) indicating that her father (who is residing in a nursing home) requires extra care, and they need to sell their family home to manage the financial upkeep his continuing care will require.

Nic makes the hours long journey to the small town she escaped during her teens, after her best friend had gone missing, and never returned. Making only short visits, and distancing herself more with the passing years, it's as if she both dreads and requires a reunion with some of those she as left behind; many of whom she lost contact with after Corinne's disappearance. 

Shortly after Nic returns home, she encounters her ex (Tyler), and shortly after that, the woman he is seeing goes missing. This book goes back day by day through the investigation, and provides all the answers as to how these two identical situations are tied together. Each character that the author rounds up has their own secrets about the night Corrine went missing; and Nic feels it's only a matter of time until some connection is made and all of their secrets come to light.

Each chapter goes back to "the day before", which is at first slightly disorienting, but I think kept you guessing on a whole different level. Seeing the pieces come together in reverse is a whole different experience. You don't wonder "what will happen next", you wonder what had happened previously. If you are a regular thriller looking to mix it up a bit? Give this one a whirl. While it isn't the most provocative thriller I have read, it did keep me engaged the entire way through.

Once again, dear reader; stay safe.

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