Hey readers. Seems I'm on the blogging train today; getting all caught up. I must admit, I procrastinate far too often for even my own liking. I have been thinking about this blog since the tail end of last year, I'm I'm only putting pen to paper (figuratively) today. It's January 21st, and I have already read two books that I haven't been able to truly discuss with anyone! For shame!!
I wrote in my previous post that I received a couple of books for Christmas - I even posted a picture of those two gorgeous volumes sitting on this very computer sitting next to the cup of coffee I should truly get up and refill. *pauses to refill said coffee*
Ah. *sips coffee* Much better.
Once the new year began, and I finished off my final read of 2019 I was finally (FINALLY) able to crack open
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern. Why would I be so eager to dive into this particular novel? Let me tell you - Erin Morgenstern's debut novel (
The Night Circus, 2011) is still the top book I have read in at least a decade. In it she has created a world that one could easily describe as magical. It is the book I have most recommended ever. I even recommended it just this past weekend to the receptionist at my doctor's office. (He immediately ordered it from amazon. I am looking forward to a bookish discussion with him at my next appointment.)
So. Where was I?

About to dive into
The Starless Sea, I believe? I think I wanted to see if Erin Morgenstern could captivate me the same way she did with her delightful debut. Did she? In parts, yes. She has once again written characters I just fell in love with. Characters who's pain you felt like it was your own when they suffered losses of all types throughout this multi tiered fictional world she has woven. I journey with Zachary "Ezra" through these levels like I was right there with him, scrutinizing those he came into contact with - particularly at the end of the book with an almost heavy heart. Parts of this book had me just soaring and flipping the pages quickly, hardly able to wait to get to the next page (and chapter). The language is what I have come to expect already from this author.
The mix of secret society, bibliophile, under ground libraries,
and just plain good old fashion imagination kept me entertained. For the most part. As much as I wanted this book to be the next
Night Circus for me? Some parts seemed almost disjointed. She weaves a compelling tale, and ties everything together at the end of the novel, but I still wanted more of certain portions. Still unanswered questions in my mind; which may well have been the point.
Would I recommend this novel? Yes, I would. But I feel it doesn't cast as wide a net as
The Night Circus (though how Erin Morgenstern could EVER top that book in my own personal opinion I don't know.). I feel as though I would be more selective of who I would recommend it to. Those of you who are more devoted, serious readers? Yes. I don't think you would be disappointed. If you are looking for this book to be a fair weathered friend? Doubtful.
I will leave you with this quote from
The Starless Sea that has stuck with me;
"And no story truly ends as long as it is told."
https://www.amazon.ca/Night-Circus-Erin-Morgenstern/dp/1784871052/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=the+night+circus&qid=1579621171&sr=8-2 - In case you're interested in The Night Circus!!! (Also a heads up that a movie is in the works. I will definitely be blogging about that! Cross your fingers they don't ruin it.)
https://www.amazon.ca/Starless-Sea-Erin-Morgenstern/dp/0385686226/ref=sr_1_1?crid=ECF4ZFBT0AU0&keywords=the+starless+sea&qid=1579621293&s=books&sprefix=the+star%2Caps%2C269&sr=1-1 - Link to The Starless Sea