Tuesday, January 21, 2020

New Year; new me?

It's that time. A new year, a new me; or so they say. I'm skeptical. I don't think people will change with the pages of the calendar as we delve into one year from the last. However. I do think we can propose certain ideas of changes we would like to achieve, and strive to do so.

A couple of years ago, I realized that even though I adore the written word; with two small kids at home, and not a lot of "me" time that I had lost that drive. Do you know what I'm talking about? You just... stop reading one day. No one could tell you why. You don't even know why. And before you know it, people are almost asking why you and books have parted ways. In a relationship with an actual human, you could require a break from time to time. With books? I couldn't honestly tell you why we readers do this to ourselves; but it seems inevitable. We all seem to do it.

I digress.

I decided that instead of a resolution a couple of years ago, that I was going to create a literary project for myself. I found a reading challenge on Pintrest, with lists to cross off as you progressed. No actual titles or authors were on said list. It was simply an outline. "A book with a blue cover" being among my favorite on that particular list. I hadn't been reading much, and 25 books for the year while tending to my children and domestic matters seemed a bit daunting at first. I fell head over heels again for books that year and haven't looked back. People thought I was crazy trying to read 25 books in one year (which I actually thought was a relatively small number, compared to how much I used to read). I made it to 30 books for 2018, and polished off 33 books last year despite taking a month off from reading. This year I am hoping to hit 35 books. We will see what happens. IF you have fallen off the reading wagon? A challenge such as this might help you get back on it.

That being said? I didn't ask my husband for much for Christmas. I think my list consisted of warm gloves and three books. (I tend to favor the library, but these books were written by authors I have loved the works of in the past, so I wanted to add them to my personal collection. It's nice to be able to excitedly speak to another reader about a book and spark that excitement in them by handing them a copy of said book off your shelf. The written word is meant to be shared, after all.) I was completely spoiled; (per usual) but my favorite gifts by far were the books. Two beautiful books (one I was told I would need to order online and have since done so) that I was just itching to get into.

I'll save those for my next blog. You have more important things to read ;) Until next time, dear readers. *tips hat*

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