Monday, January 10, 2022

Magic Lessons

 Hi all! I know the weather (here, at least) has left something to be desired lately. Add in virtual learning with two small kids; and you can imagine how much time some of us to do the things we enjoy. Like... reading. I (luckily) always manage to carve out some time each day. Perhaps not as much as I would like, (an entire day under a cozy blanket and copious amounts of tea wouldn't be a terrible thing!) but, it is better than nothing.

My second read of the year was by an author I
adore, and involving a family of witches I have come to love. For fans of Practical Magic, reading about where the curse of the Owens' women began with Maria in the 1600s in Magic Lessons was a dream come true. The one thing you can always, always count on Hoffman for is writing strong female characters. Maria and her daughter, Faith, are no exception to this rule. Maria is abandoned by her mother as a newborn in a place she knows she will be found by someone who practices "the nameless art". 

Hannah Owens is a wise and caring woman, who takes in Maria without question. She recognizes that she is, in fact, a blood witch, and teaches her all she knows of magic. I must admit, Hannah was likely my actual favourite character in this book. I picture her as someone I would have liked to share a cup of her courage tea while sitting by the hearth in her cottage in Essex County.

Maria is (of course) faced with all sorts of challenges in her life; which Hoffman follows in vivid detail. It explains so much about the curse that was to be set on all of those who would love an Owens woman. (Though I do understand the why.. I still think that might have been a tad harsh!) Her daughter, Faith has many of her own hurdles to overcome. (As always, I don't want to delve too deep and give away the entire story.) I myself could have probably loved the male lead in this book (Samuel). A stubborn and wonderful man who never seemingly gives up.. even when he is told to. I also absolutely loved how Hoffman used familiars in this novel, and how she spoke of the relationship to the witch with whom these creatures were bonded. (Because who doesn't want a clever, chattering crow bringing you trinkets!?)

I must say that after reading this installment about the Owens family saga, that I am looking forward to her newest book (which I was fortunate enough to be gifted this Christmas!)

Keep on reading! 

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