Monday, April 11, 2022

Paris is Always a Good Idea

I honestly loved the title of this book. Paris is (of course!) somewhere I have always wanted to travel to and explore. (As I suspect most people who desire to travel would like to see the City of Light at some point in time.) Pairs is Always a Good Idea was a cute novel - with a portion set in Paris, Of course, I hadn't read anything about this book; so that was a bit of a letdown. Haha. This cute romp of a novel was definitely entertaining (and one of the only romcoms I have read that made me cry a little in parts closer to the end). 

In the opening chapter, Chelsea discovers that her widowed father is set to remarry - a women he had met only two weeks prior. After having lost her mother to a vicious cancer, Chelsea has a hard time remembering what it's like to be in love; and has taken news of her father's engagement terribly. Her sister encourages her to think to the last time she was truly happy. Chelsea could give an exact date. Next thing she knows, she's taken a leave from her job (where she works leading a team in cancer fundraising), and is flying to Ireland - the first place she fell in love during her working year abroad seven years earlier.

This novel revisits three of Chelsea's former flames (in three very different cities and countries - Ireland, France, and Italy). With stunning backdrops for romance (including a vineyard complete with a castle!); and work still lingering in the background (because of course there is conflict - including an annoyingly sexy co-worker), this novel made me laugh, smirk, shake my head, and - yes! - cry (though that might be because portions really hit me on a personal level). 

Although I only rated this novel 3.5 stars, I think it might have been that I wasn't exactly in a romcom kind of mood as I read it. (I've been kind of bogged down mentally with books containing heavier content, as well as research, and thought I needed a break. Hence, the light and fluffy read.) This book was a bit of a rollercoaster (and I don't mean that in a negative way). There were ups and downs, highs and lows. If you're a fan of the genre, I'd give it a go.

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