Monday, February 21, 2022

Eight Perfect Hours

 Goooood morning readers! I was reminded this morning that it was Monday; which meant it's blogging day! (It kind of snuck up on me! We have a holiday here in Canada, and I woke up feeling like it was Sunday; and that I had an entire day of reading ahead of me before my 'work' was 'due'.) It's been quite the week. I didn't get in as much reading as I would have liked, between home improvement projects, (I've undertaken some plastering/sanding/painting... in basically every room. Which, you can imagine, takes up a chunk of time) and some family matters - I either haven't had the time, or haven't been in the right mindset.

As a result? Only one post this week. (I'm sure you're all just SO disappointed lol) The one book I did read was a random pick from the library that I hadn't even heard of at all. I just liked the cover, and assumed it would be a light and fluffy book (which I definitely needed after the last few books I have been reading, with that heavier content). Eight Perfect Hours delivered exactly what I wanted this book to be. 

Noelle is back from a reunion that went sideways at her old college when she is stuck in a traffic jam. For HOURS. With her mother at home (and requiring some care after a stroke), Noelle starts to panic when her phone dies and she can't touch base with anyone. Cue handsome mountain climber Sam - who invites her to use his phone charger. They spend hours ensconced in his car, seemingly in a bubble away from the real world. Noelle feels something electric between them. 

Predictably, the motorway clears; and they are back to their separate lives. They have no contact information. They live in different countries. Noelle assumes she will never see him again. Fate; however, seems to have something else in store. Noelle's quirky and loveable friends (Theo and Charlie) insist she is going to marry Sam from the motorway. Noelle is torn, as Ed (her former boyfriend of 12 years) reappears on the scene, and she falls into a comfortable and content routine.

This book is bursting with characters you can't help but love. They each have their own things going on; and at the center of it all is Noelle. Afraid to live for herself. Afraid of her dreams, and what she could have been. This novel shows a lot of inner turmoil for something that would appear to be merely another piece of chick lit. You see Noelle blossom and grow; how she notices how she feels around different people, and who truly has her best interest at heart. 

There is a quote on the cover that states; 'Lia Louis has become a must-buy author for me.' (Jodi Picoult) Although I wouldn't rush out to buy her books, (because reading as much as I do could get pretty expensive; and I tend to utilize the library as much as possible) but I will be on the lookout for more of Louis' books.

Until next time, readers - keep reading!

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