Monday, February 28, 2022

Get A Life, Chloe Brown

Okay. So, I'm sure you're wondering what happened to my more serious reads when you're seeing two less serious books on the blog today. If that's what you're waiting for; I promise I will have at least one for you next week! There has been a lot going on in life; and these amusing, lightweight novels are a lot easier to focus on than something that is complicated. Sorry if you're disappointed! Variety is the spice of life, after all!

Chloe Brown. Well. It's been a long time since I enjoyed a book like this as much as I loved this book. (It was SO close to a five star for me, honestly. Which doesn't happen too often.) Chloe Brown is in constant pain - fibromyalgia - which has caused her to close off a lot of things in her life. She's lost friends because of her limitations. Relationships as well. Chloe is afraid to trust, afraid to feel. One day while walking, Chloe is nearly killed by a drunk driver; which causes her to re-evaluate her current life. She makes herself a list (because, she is super organized and is always making lists - something I can relate to.. the list making. Not so much the hyper organized portion.) to get a life. She puts things on the list she thinks would give her stepping stones to better life experiences.

Her first move is to leave her family home; a mansion that her sisters, parents, and wonderfully eccentric Grandmother all share. Despite her pain, Chloe crosses that item off her list. Which puts her in the direct path of Red - the hunky superintendent of her complex. Initially the two strongly dislike one another. Red has his own baggage when it comes to wealthy people; and Chloe sounds just like someone else he once knew. However, Red finds Chloe (literally) up a tree one day; which is the start of his view of Chloe Brown changing.

Red is enlisted to help Chloe cross a few items off her list. The palpable sexual tension is SO well written in this book - and beware the steamy scenes if you're not that kind of reader. They might make you blush like you're the one being caught with you knickers out in public. (Am I kidding? Aren't I? Hmmm.) There are conflicts in this book; and baggage from the past on both sides. There is a sweetness that borders on too much; but makes you love Red that much more. 

There were SO many things I enjoyed about this book that I placed the next in the series on hold once I got about halfway through it. I love love LOVE that Talia Hibbert chose to write about a heavier black woman with chronic pain - a lead character unlike any other I have come across in this particular genre. (Apparently she tends to write about marginalized groups, which I think is simply marvelous!) If you like steamy, funny books - pick this one up. 

See you next week! Keep reading! 

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